
54% of Spaniards feel they are European and Spanish citizens at the same time

Madrid, 23 April 2024

Nota Informativa

  • According to the latest study carried out by the CIS, belonging to the EU is beneficial for “employment opportunities, doing business and the weight of Spain in the world”
  • 83% are in favor of strengthening the common European foreign policy
  • The European Parliament is the institution they trust the most with 5.94 out of 10, followed by the European Commission with 5.88

The CIS has carried out a survey on the perception that Spaniards have of the European Union, and the interest it generates. 82.9% recognize that the decisions made within the European Union “affect us a lot or quite a lot”, compared to 15.9% who believe that “little or not at all”.

65.3% of Spaniards are very or quite interested in EU news, although 58.3% say they are “little or not at all informed” about matters related to the EU and 40.9% say they are “very or fairly informed.”

About membership of the Union

63.9% believe that things would be worse for us economically if Spain were not within the European Union. Only 17.7% believe that we would be better off and 14.1% assure that we would be the same.

Belonging to the EU is more beneficial for issues such as culture” (79.9%); “employment opportunities” (73.2%); for “opportunities to do business” (77.4%), and for Spain's weight in the world (76.5%). Regarding “prices of goods and consumption” 48.4% agree that being within the Union is more harmful.

Measures to improve the EU

Regarding the state of the European Union, 54.2% believe that “it needs some changes, but not radical ones”, 38.6% say that it “needs profound changes”, and only 4.1% that “it is fine”. how are you doing".

For 47.2%, the most priority measure that the EU should take is “setting a European minimum wage.” Secondly, 47.1% believe that we must prioritize “advancing the social and political rights of European Union citizens.” And 30.7% indicate that the most important thing is to “strengthen the common foreign and security policy.”

87.1% say they are in favor of “a policy of common rights and obligations” in the European Union. 83.3% to reinforce the common European foreign policy. 80.7% affirm that it would be necessary to “contribute financially to finance a European welfare state.” And 63.5% are in favor of the creation of a common European army.

Future of the European Union

Regarding the future of the EU, 32.9% consider that “the economy and employment” is the most important thing, for 16.9% social protection and the welfare state, while for 15.7% Democracy, its values and the rule of law are important.
Another fact reflected in the survey is that the last word on important decisions should always be with the member states (65.2%) and that the EU should have a true federal government that makes decisions (30.6%).

Sense of belonging

53.9% say they feel like “a European and Spanish citizen at the same time”, 35.7% say “especially a Spanish citizen” and 4.6% “especially a European citizen”. 1.3% who say they are “citizens of the world”.

Regarding the issues that Spaniards would like to be addressed by the European Parliament, 33.6% say “support for the economy and job creation”; 32.4% “the fight against poverty and social exclusion” and in third place “public health” for 31.4%.

European Institutions

The European Parliament is the one that citizens have heard about the most (94.3%), followed by the European Central Bank (92.6%), the European Commission is the best known to 84.8%, the Council of the European Union for 83.1% and the least known institution is the European Council (73.4%).

Regarding the trust that these institutions deserve among Spaniards who know them, the European Parliament is the one they trust the most with a score of 5.94 out of 10, followed by the European Commission with a 5.88.

Regarding the probability of going to vote on June 9 in the elections to the European Parliament, 53.3% assure that they will do so “with all probability.”

These and other data are found in the study 'Opinions and attitudes towards the European Union' which is available on our website ( The field work was carried out from April 9 to 13, with a sample of 3,750 interviews. For any questions, the Communication telephone number is 91 580 76 25 / 664 470 083.

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