CIS presents “ESPAÑA 2015. Situación social“
Madrid, 25 November.- The Centro de Investigaciones Sociológicas (CIS) has presented the work "ESPAÑA 2015. SITUACION SOCIAL" (SPAIN 2015, SOCIAL SITUATION),a comprehensive analysis of the social structure and situation of Spain, with the participation of 160 professors and researchers from different generations of sociologists, providing an authentic portrayal of the social reality of our country.
The event took place on 24 November, at Palacio Zurbano, Madrid, and was attended by Cristóbal Torres Albero, Professor of Sociology at the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid; Juan Díez Nicolás Professor of Sociology at the Universidad Complutense; Mª Ángeles Durán, Professor of Sociology and Research at CSIC, Enrique Gil Calvo, Professor of Sociology at the Universidad Complutense, and the president of CIS, Félix Requena.