The CIS presented "Elecciones Generales 2008", an analysis of how Spaniards voted in the last general elections.
Madrid, 11 November 2011
Edited by José Ramón Montero and Ignacio Lago, over twenty experts took part in the study.
The presentation event took place last Thursday, 10 November, at the Colegio Oficial de Politólogos y Sociólogos de Madrid.
It was attended by the President of the CIS, Ramón Ramos Torre, the editor of the work, José Ramón Montero, and the senior lecturers in political science Julián Santamaría (Universidad Complutense) and Mariano Torcal (Universitat Pompeu Fabra), together with the Dean of the Colegio Nacional, Miguel Ángel Ruíz de Azúa.