

Madrid, 21 July 2020

Nota informativa

Madrid, July 21, 2020 . By virtue of the CIS's commitment to truthfulness and transparency of information, we must make the following clarifications:

The uncertain information published on July 20 in a digital medium about the evolution of CIS spending in the period between January 1 and May 31, maintaining that in this period spending would have increased compared to 2019 by 1,049,998 euros, that is, 52.42%, require several rectifications. These are figures that do not correspond to reality, since they are largely based on a time lag in the accounting for 2019 and on a transfer made to provide liquidity to the State coffers during the pandemic in accordance with article 49 of Royal Decree-Law 11/2020, of March 31, by which urgent complementary measures were adopted in the social and economic sphere to confront COVID-19. In this way, 563,000 euros (more than half of the total increase claimed by said media) are not real.

Specifically, personnel spending has not increased by 27% as stated, but only by 1.6% derived from the salary increases for public employees approved at the end of last year. The real increase has been 19,000 euros and not 252,000 euros. The difference between one figure and another is based on the reference date taken to make the calculations and on a lag in updating accounting data in 2019, since, if the data dated at the beginning of June of last year are checked, when The accounting record is already updated, it is found that the difference is only 19,000 euros.

On the other hand, 330,000 euros that are considered an expense are not, since they are derived from a transfer to provide liquidity to the public coffers during the health crisis, as previously indicated, not from an expense made by the CIS, although it remains recorded in the accounts.

The rest of the increase has derived from the carrying out of more studies and their greater technical complexity during the first four months of 2020, such as the Basque and Galician pre-election surveys.

Finally, with regard to several new type contracts carried out during the first part of this year and which the aforementioned digital medium repeats and duplicates so that they appear to be several, the reality is that the Council of Ministers has only taken into account the following: emergency contracts: the April and May barometers for an amount of 90,000 euros and the June and July barometers for the same amount. Regarding the rental of software to carry out telephone surveys for 107,384.96 euros, it must also be specified that it is a rental that is paid monthly, so this year those corresponding to the period covered have not yet been paid. between July and the end of this year. Therefore, this information does not correspond to reality either.

Esta información puede ser usada en parte o en su integridad sin necesidad de citar fuentes.

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28014 Madrid
Tlf.: 91.580.76.25
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