V Meeting organized by the CIS 'Public opinion in the Autonomous State'
Madrid, 14 December 2011
Madrid, December 14, 2011 - The CIS (Center for Sociological Research) will gather at the Parador de Segovia, from December 15 to 16 , representatives of public entities dedicated to social research to share aspects related to the organization, operation and techniques in survey research.
Representatives and technicians from the CEO (Centre d´Estudis d´Opinió), Sociological Prospecting Office of the Basque Government, IESA-CSIC Córdoba (Institute of Advanced Social Studies), ICPS (Institut de Ciencies Politiques de Barcelona), CAPDEA (Center for Analysis and Political and Electoral Documentation of Andalusia, University of Granada), CEMOP (Center for Murcian Opinion Studies, University of Murcia), Euskobarómetro (University of the Basque Country) and the Faculty of Political and Social Sciences of the University of Santiago de Compostela .
This V Meeting is the continuation of a collaboration and scientific-technical exchange that began in 2006 in Palma de Mallorca and which has given rise to annual meetings in Córdoba, Barcelona and Segovia in successive years. Sharing technical aspects of conducting surveys and quality controls in the different research processes will be the priority objective of the conference.
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C/ Montalbán, 8
28014 Madrid
Email: comunicacion@cis.es
Tlf.: 91.580.76.25
Fax: 91.531.81.31