
Carlos Moya Valgañón National Award for Sociology and Political Science 2010 (BOE 08/12/2010).

Madrid, 02 November 2010


Today, 2 November 2010, the panel of judges who award the National Award for Sociology and Political Science have met and deliberated. The panel of judges is comprised of the president of the CIS, Ramón Ramos, the Euro MP and former president of the CIS, Pilar del Castillo, the President of the Institut d'Estudis Catalans and National Award for Sociology and Political Science 2006 Salvador Giner, The President of the Federación Española de Sociología Teresa González de la Fé, professor and member of the Real Academia de Ciencias Morales y Políticas Emilio Lamo de Espinosa and professor from the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid and former president of the CIS Fernando Vallespín.

Carlos Moya Valgañón

The judges have unanimously awarded the prize to Professor of Sociology D. Carlos Moya Valgañón, highlighting the award winner's role in promoting, developing and consolidating sociology in Spanish universities and particularly underlining his impact on the development of sociological theory, the sociology of elites and socio-historical studies.

Carlos Moya (Cordoba, 1936) is Professor Emeritus of Sociology at the UNED (Spanish National University for Distance Education) , a graduate of Law, he studied sociology in Cologne (Germany), with René König. The driving force behind the development of sociological theory in Spain, he is the author of numerous publications and has directed empirical research projects on strategic dimensions of Spanish society: Public Bureaucracy, Economic Power Elites, Medical Class and Health, the UNED as a University of the Masses, Family and Youth. The books he has published include: Sociólogos y Sociología (1970);Teoría SociológicaUna introducción crítica (1971); Burocracia y sociedad industrial (1972); El poder económico en España1939-1972 (1975); De la ciudad y su razón. Del logos político a la razón sociológica (1977); Señas de LeviatánEstado nacional y sociedad industrial en España 1936-1980 (1984); Puritanismo, monoteísmo, tabú del incesto (Centro de Investigaciones Sociológicas award 1985) and Mahoma, Dar-El Islam, MaimónidesDos ensayos sobre el monoteísmo semita. Madrid, Huerga y Fierro, 2008.


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