
The Popular Party retreats and could lose the absolute majority in Galicia

Madrid, 05 February 2024

Nota Informativa

  • According to the latest pre-campaign survey carried out by the CIS, the PP would obtain 42.2% of the votes, one point less than a month ago
  • The BNG, which rises to 32.9%, together with the PSOE (20.1%), a total of 53%, would obtain more votes than the PP (42.2%).
  • The candidate of the Galician Nationalist Bloc, Ana Pontón, is the best rated (5.74) and is considered to be the one who cares the most about the problems of Galicia (36.8%).

The pre-campaign survey for the regional elections in Galicia carried out by the CIS indicates that the PP is going backwards, and could lose the absolute majority with 42.2% of the votes and obtain between 34 to 38 seats. The BNG rises to 32.9% and would remain between 22 and 26 seats, the PSOE continues as the third force, and would reach 20.1% of the votes (13 to 15 seats) and SUMAR could get a seat with the 2.1%.

Leaders assessment

The leader of the BNG, Ana Pontón, is the best rated with 5.74, followed by Alfonso Rueda (PP) with 5.37, the PSOE candidate, Xosé Ramón Gómez Besteiro, with 4.86, and Marta Lois (SUMAR) with a 3.98 and Pachi Vázquez from Espazo Común Galeguista (3.66).
The candidate who is thought to care the most about Galicia's problems is the leader of the BNG, Ana Pontón (36.8%).

Voting decision

27.7% of Galicians have not yet decided which political party or coalition they are going to vote for. 5.5% will decide their vote during the day of reflection and 6.1% have assured that they will do so on election day.

These and other data are collected in the pre-campaign survey that was carried out from January 29 to February 1 and has a sample of 3,743 interviews.

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