
Economic and social inequalities focus the debate on the second day of the Conference on 'Inequality and social exclusion'

Madrid, 29 May 2024


Ponentes de las ponencias 'Desigualdades económicas y sociales'
Ponentes de las ponencias 'Desigualdades económicas y sociales'

The professor of Sociology, Angel Belzunegui, has been in charge of presenting and moderating the presentations on this second day of the conference.
The first intervention was that of the professor, Sandra Fachelli, and the professor, Pedro López-Roldán, both of whom discussed social inequalities in the labor markets in Spain. Fachelli explained that “the fluidity of the market in Spain has been driven by the incorporation of women into the labor market.”

The professor of Economics, José Pérez Montiel, focused his presentation on the distribution of income and social inequality. The professor has asserted that “Spain is one of the EU countries with the most inequality in income distribution” after his research.

The Emeritus Professor and president of the CIS, José Félix Tezanos, has assured that "we must analyze whether the economic factors that allowed us to build the models on which society is sustained." “We are seeing that the new generations are experiencing a very accelerated process of downward social mobility, and that is disturbing,” said Tezanos, who also stressed that “age is a stratification factor in our society.” And he assured that: “gender is also a factor, women continue to have fewer job opportunities than men.”


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