
National Sociology Award 2012 awarded to Mr. Juan Díez Nicolás

Madrid, 19 October 2012


Friday, October 19, 2012. This year's National Prize for Sociology and Political Science has been awarded to Juan Díez Nicolás . This Award is a recognition of contribution and scientific work in the field of Sociology or Political Science and is awarded for a professional career or a singular work.

Juan Díez Nicolás is an emeritus professor of sociology at the Complutense University of Madrid, with a degree in Political Science, he obtained the Extraordinary Bachelor's Award (1960), the National End of Degree Award (1961), a doctor in Political Sciences (UCM, 1967), full professor of sociology (1971). He was co-founder of the Institute of Public Opinion. Technical Director and Secretary General (1963-69) and president of the CIS (October 1976 - April 1979). He has recently been awarded as Honorary Rector and Honorary Doctor in Political Science and Sociology by the National University of Distance Education (2012). He is currently President-Founder of FADDIS (Foundation for the Analysis and Dissemination of Social Research Data), (2009-), permanent advisor as responsible for the Official Data Archive in the Executive Committee, World Values Survey Association (elected 2008- ), academic at the European Academy of Sciences and Arts (2001- ). He has directed a multitude of empirical investigations and is the author of numerous scientific publications, including: Sociology: Between Functionalism and Dialectics (1971), Functional Specialization and Domination in Urban Spain (1972), The Spanish and Public Opinion (1972). 1976), Human Ecology and Social Ecosystem (1984), Sociology of Population (1990), Social Position, Information and Postmaterialism (1992), Global Trends of Change in Social and Political Values (1994), Attitudes Towards Immigrants (1998) ), The Spanish and Immigration (1999), The Dilemma of Survival. Spaniards before the Environment (2004), Multidimensional Social Science (2009), The EU and aging populations, implications for migration flows (2011).

The winner has been one of the main promoters of Spanish Sociology in the international arena.

The jury was made up of the president of the CIS Félix Requena, the professor of sociology and director of the Center for Migration Studies at the Ortega y Gasset University Institute Joaquín Arango Vila-Belda, the European parliamentarian and former president of the CIS Pilar del Castillo, the professor of sociology at the University of Oviedo Rodolfo Gutiérrez Palacios, professor of political science at the University of the Basque Country Francisco J. Llera, professor of sociology at the European University of Madrid Juan Salcedo and professor of sociology at the Autonomous University of Madrid José Juan Toharia.

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