
Advance results

The CIS makes 'Previews of results' of its surveys available to the public, with provisional data. These Advances contain the following documents: the technical sheet of the study, the relative frequencies of each of the questions and their cross-sections by certain sociodemographic, political and socioeconomic variables; Some of them being: sex, age, level of education, size of municipality, voting memory or ideological self-location. Furthermore, in those surveys that have voting intentions, a sheet estimating electoral results is also included in accordance with the type of elections in question (general, regional, municipal or European elections).

An error occurred while processing the template.
The string doesn't match the expected date/time/date-time format. The string to parse was: "May 9, 2019 3:34 PM". The expected format was: "dd-MMM-yyyy H:mm".
The nested reason given follows:
Unparseable date: "May 9, 2019 3:34 PM"

FTL stack trace ("~" means nesting-related):
	- Failed at: ${entry.getPublishedDateString()?date...  [in template "20096#20122#1107441" at line 26, column 97]
1<div class="search-total-label"> 
2	${languageUtil.format(locale, "x-results-for-x", [searchContainer.getTotal(), "<strong>" + htmlUtil.escape(searchResultsPortletDisplayContext.getKeywords()) + "</strong>"], false)} 
5<#setting locale="es_ES"> 
7<div class="display-list"> 
8	<ul class="list-group" id="search-results-display-list"> 
9		<#if entries?has_content> 
10			<#list entries as entry> 
11				<li class="list-group-item list-group-item-flex"> 
12					<#if !entry.isTemporarilyUnavailable()> 
13						<div class="autofit-col autofit-col-expand"> 
14							<section class="autofit-section"> 
15								<div class="list-group-title"> 
16									<a href="${entry.getViewURL()}"> 
17										${entry.getHighlightedTitle()} 
18									</a> 
19								</div> 
21								<div class="search-results-metadata"> 
22									<p class="list-group-subtext"> 
23										<#if entry.isPublishedDateVisible()> 
24											<#assign journalArticle = entry/> 
25											<span class="subtext-item"> 
26												${entry.getPublishedDateString()?datetime("dd-MMM-yyyy H:mm")?string["dd-MM-yyyy"]} 
27											</span> 
28										</#if> 
29									</p> 
30								</div> 
31							</section> 
32						</div> 
33					<#else> 
34						<div class="autofit-col"> 
35							<div class="alert alert-danger"> 
36								<@liferay.language_format 
37									arguments="result" 
38									key="is-temporarily-unavailable" 
39								/> 
40							</div> 
41						</div> 
42					</#if> 
43				</li> 
44			</#list> 
45		</#if> 
46	</ul> 
53<@liferay_aui.script use="aui-base"> 
55		'click', 
56		function(event) { 
57			var currentTarget = event.currentTarget; 
59			currentTarget.siblings('.search-results-list').toggleClass('hide'); 
60		}, 
61		'.expand-details' 
62	); 
Date Advance on study results
05-02-2025 Advance on study results 3491 'Índice de Confianza del Consumidor. Mes de diciembre 2024'
21-01-2025 Advance on study results 3490 'Participación política'
17-01-2025 Advance on study results 3492 'Barómetro de enero 2025'
19-12-2024 Advance on study results 3489 'Barómetro de diciembre 2024'
12-12-2024 Advance on study results 3488 'Índice de Confianza del Consumidor. Mes de noviembre 2024'
09-12-2024 Advance on study results 3487 'Actitudes hacia el Estado de bienestar (II)'
27-11-2024 Advance on study results 3486 'Encuesta sobre tendencias sociales (IV)'
18-11-2024 Advance on study results 3485 'Barómetro de noviembre 2024'
15-11-2024 Advance on study results 3483 'Índice de Confianza del Consumidor. Mes de octubre 2024'
05-11-2024 Advance on study results 3477 'Índice de Confianza del Consumidor. Mes de septiembre 2024'
30-10-2024 Advance on study results 3480 'Ideología y polarización'
24-10-2024 Advance on study results 3479 'Redes de apoyo'
21-10-2024 Advance on study results 3478 'Barómetro de octubre 2024'
18-10-2024 Advance on study results 3476 'Cultura y estilos de vida'
08-10-2024 Advance on study results 3475 'Fecundidad, familia e infancia'
18-09-2024 Advance on study results 3474 'Barómetro de septiembre 2024'
05-09-2024 Advance on study results 3472 'Índice de Confianza del Consumidor. Mes de julio 2024'
04-09-2024 Advance on study results 3471 'Turismo y gastronomía (II)'
26-07-2024 Advance on study results 3469 'Opinión pública y política fiscal (XLI)'
24-07-2024 Advance on study results 3473 'Felicidad y valores sociales'
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