The CIS presents 'The globalization of values in the world and in Spain' at the Royal Academy of Moral and Political Sciences
Madrid, 25 March 2024
- The presentation was attended by one of the authors and former president of this institution, Juan Díez Nicolás
- This book offers the most extensive analysis in the Spanish language of research on values (EVS and WVS) for forty years
- 'The globalization of values in the world and in Spain' belongs to the Monographs collection and can be found in our bookstore
During the presentation of the book published by the CIS, Juan Díez Nicolás, Francisco José Llera Ramo, Pilar Antolínez Merchán and Mayra Martínez Avidad, co-authors of the work.
This book 'The globalization of values in the world and in Spain' belongs to the Monographs collection and can be found in our bookstore for sale.
This book offers the most extensive analysis in Spanish of research on values (EVS and WVS) for forty years (1981-2022) in seven waves, in 117 countries, with a total of more than 650,000 personal interviews, representing more of 85% of the world's population, to compare attitudes regarding the values that should be taught to children. It is a comparative analysis, which is offered for four levels of analysis: 7 waves, 10 geo-cultural regions in which the countries have been grouped, 10 selected countries, and of course Spain, to which three chapters are dedicated.
The analyzes are descriptive and explanatory, they aim to know the variables that best explain the differences between the different units of analysis, having used very diverse explanatory variables, such as the classic socioeconomic variables grouped in the social position index, the materialism-postmaterialism index, the generation, exposure to traditional media and new social networks, ideology, and many others whose construction is explained in the annexes.
The theoretical framework used has mainly included Inglehart's theory on the change of values in industrial and post-industrial societies, Galtung's theory on the diffusion of attitudes and values from the center to the periphery, and others cited in a very extensive scientific bibliography. social. A novel contribution is the construction of a Traditional-Modern Values Index based on the eleven qualities or values for which it has been asked if they should be taught to children, and which is an alternative to the one built by Inglehart, with which it shows a robust correlation. . The authors are part of the INCISO research group and the Values Research Center, both at the UCJC.