
Information note on the 'October 2021 Barometer'

Madrid, 15 October 2021

Nota informativa

92% of Spaniards positively value the cessation of ETA violence on its tenth anniversary

  • According to the CIS October barometer, 93.5% of Basques positively value the end of ETA violence for Spain
  • Regarding public resources: 84.6% claim that "too few" resources are dedicated to research in science and technology
  • Regarding mandatory vaccination for COVID-19, the percentage of Spaniards who believe it should be mandatory increases (48.9%)

Madrid, October 15, 2021 . On the occasion of the tenth anniversary of the announcement of the cessation of violence by ETA, the CIS has asked about it in the October monthly barometer. This survey reveals that 92.2% of Spaniards value the cessation of the terrorist group's violence positively or very positively, of which 59.1% "very positively" and 33.1% " positive". While only 3.7% believe that it has been "very negative" or "negative" for Spain. In the case of Basque society, 93.5% of Basques consider the end of ETA violence "very positive" and "positive" for Spain.

When asking specifically about the Basque Country, 86.4% of Spaniards positively value the end of ETA violence ten years later. Of these, 53.6% believe it has been "very positive" and 32.8% "positive." In the case of Basques, 94.5% believe that it has been "very positive" or "positive" for the Basque Country. Questions have also been asked about how the cessation of the terrorist group has affected the economy of the Basque Country. 77.8% of Spaniards value it positively. 30.4% say that it has been "very positive" and 47.4% that it has been "positive." Only 4.6% value it negatively. In the case of Basques, 86.4% positively value the impact of the end of ETA violence on the Basque economy.

Public resources

This survey also asks about investment in public services. 84.6% of Spaniards believe that "too few" resources are dedicated to research in science and technology, followed by 76.8% who believe that "too few" resources are dedicated to health .

Mandatory vaccination

Given the risk of coronavirus contagion, 48.9% believe that "everyone should be forced to get vaccinated", a figure that increases compared to the barometer of the previous month, when it stood at 47.4%.

To which we must add 32.6% who believe that health personnel, people who work with nursing homes and those who have direct relations with the general public should be forced to be vaccinated.

24.6% think that "no one should be forced to get vaccinated" and 23% say that "it depends on the cases."

Vote estimation and assessment of ministers

In the October barometer the PSOE stands at 28.5%, 6.4 points behind the PP, which obtains 22.1% of the votes. VOX gets 13.2%, Unidas Podemos 11.8% and Ciudadanos reaches 6%. Esquerra Republicana achieves 3.1% of the votes and Más País/Compromís reach 3%.

Regarding the evaluation of ministers, it should be noted that three ministers are the best valued. Margarita Robles in the lead with a 5.5, Nadia Calviño with a 5.4 and Yolanda Díaz also with a 5.4.

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