
The PNV would win the elections in Euskadi, but will need support to be able to govern

Madrid, 01 April 2024

Nota Informativa

  • According to the pre-election survey for the Basque Country, the PNV would obtain 36.1% of the votes and EH Bildu would be the second force with 33%
  • The PSE would reach 13.1% of the votes, while the PP would achieve 7.7%
  • 31.2% affirm that they will decide their vote during the last week of the campaign, 11% of them during the day of reflection and on election day itself.
  • 47.6% assure that the party “most capable of governing the Basque Country” is the PNV

The CIS has carried out the pre-election survey for the elections that are going to be held in the Basque Country on April 21. This study reveals that the PNV would win the elections with 36.1% of the votes and would obtain between 30 and 31 seats. EH Bildu would be the second political force with 33% and would obtain between 28 and 29, the PSE would reach 13.1% and between 10 and 11 seats. The PP would be the fourth force in the Basque parliament with 7.7% support and would have between 5 and 6 seats. Adding 3.7% could have between 0 and 2 seats, Podemos would get 2.5% of the votes and could stay between 0 and 1 seat and Vox, with a 1.9% vote estimate, between 0 and 1.

41.4% of Basques claim to be following with “a lot or quite a lot of interest” the news and topics related to the upcoming regional elections, while 57.6% claim to have “little or no” interest in the topic.

When voting

73.7% indicate that they will take more into account the issues specific to the Basque Country than the general issues that affect Spain, with 19% saying that they will think first about the main issues of the country. And 5.7% think about both community and country issues.
Furthermore, 70.9% assure that in these elections they will give more importance to the political party when voting, 17.1% to the candidate, and 3.6% affirm both.

Fidelity and voting decision

29.7% of Basques affirm that they always vote for the same party, 24.7% “usually” always vote for the same party and 40.5%, depending on what suits them most at that moment, vote for a party or another, or they do not vote.

54.8% assure that they decide their vote long before the start of the electoral campaign, 11% do so at the beginning of the campaign, 20.2% during the last week of the campaign, 4.9% during the day of reflection and 6.1% on the day of the elections. Furthermore, 1.2% are already clear that they will abstain.

Young people between 25 and 34 years old (8.8%) and those between 18 and 24 years old (8.5%) are those with the highest percentages among those who decide their vote on the day of reflection. And people between 35 and 44 years old (8.6%) and those between 45 and 54 years old (8%) are the ones who decide most on election day.

Management of the Basque Government

51% of Basques affirm that the PNV has done a “very good or good” job during the last four years at the head of the government. 8.5% think it has been average and 38.5% say it has been “bad or very bad.”

Regarding the management of the rest of the parties, for 53.1% the work done by EH Bildu has been “very good or good”, for 39.9% the work of the PSE has been “very good or good”, the 23.7% support the management of Elkarrekin Podemos-IU and for 9.6% the management of PP-Ciudadanos has been “very good or good.”

For 52.6% of Basques, EH Bildu is the party that “best defends the Basque identity, culture and language”, 44.6% believe that the PNV is “the one that best defends the interests of the Basque Country”, and 47.6% indicate that the party “most capable of governing the Basque Country” is the PNV.

Candidate evaluation

The EH Bildu candidate, Pello Otxandiano, is the best rated with 5.64, in second place is the PNV candidate, Imanol Pradales, with 5.48. In third position is the PSE candidate, Eneko Andueza, with 4.66 and is followed by the Podemos candidate, Miran Gorratxategi, with 4.59.

The candidate that the Basques believe is most prepared to solve Euskadi's problems is Pradales with 28.8%, followed by Otxandiano with 21.3% and Andueza with 5.5%.

Preference as Lehendakari and as President of the Government

30.4% want Imanol Pradales to be the Lehendakari of the Basque Country after the regional elections, 26.1% want him to be Otxandiano and 8.2% want the PSE candidate, Eneko Andueza. 4% point to the PP candidate, Javier de Andrés.
As for who the Basques prefer as President of the Government of Spain at the moment, 43% prefer Pedro Sánchez. In second place, 9.6% point to Yolanda Díaz, and in third place to Alberto Núñez Feijóo, 9.1%.

Main problems

Regarding the main problems in Euskadi at the moment, 16.1% affirm that health (Osakidetza) is the main problem, followed by unemployment for 8.4% and in third place would be political problems in general 7.9% . They are closely followed by the economic crisis for 7.5% and housing is in fifth place for 7.3%. These and other data are collected in the pre-election survey carried out from March 18 to 22 with 4,998 interviews.

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